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Pain Prevention: Through a series of body-weight exercises, Foundation Training activates your posterior muscle chain, anchors the hips, decompresses the spine, and teaches you to take the burden of supporting the body out of your joints and put it where it belongs; in your muscles.



Improve Performance: As the human capacity for performance moves forward, we require an equal measure of increased physical sustainability. Foundation Training is an accessory tool like no other, providing both an advantage over your opponent and an effective mechanism for injury prevention.



Improve Posture: Getting older doesn’t mean falling apart and/or giving up what we enjoy doing. Our body is always adapting, ready and willing to change if we offer it the right input. Lifting heavy things, be it tree branches, groceries, or children, should be moments in our day when we feel capable.

“It is only while you’re exercising that we seem to derive some benefit from it. But you cannot exercise all day. So there must be some other form of contribution.”
— Dr. Joan Vernikos, "Sitting Kills. Movement Heals."


Join our virtual Foundation Training Zoomer Nooner 1 hour classes held weekly, Monday’s + Wednesday’s + Friday’s at 12:00PM ET.


Join our virtual Foundation Training Decompression Training 30 minute sessions held weekly, Tuesday’s + Thursday’s at 5:00PM ET.


Movement is among the current buzz-words inside most training facilities around the world. And, rightfully so. Often, however, the moment you give something a title is also the very moment that you take away all of its meaning. So, what is it, and how do we keep it relevant?


A System of SYMPTOMS

We live in a SYMPTOMS-BASED SOCIETY: Symptoms-based medicine and symptoms-based fitness. Simply put, we treat the symptoms in isolation. However, our habits and characteristics are rarely formed in isolation. If the behaviour doesn't change, the symptoms will return. No movement is of itself, or isolated.

Have you ever considered why it's called an ear drum? When a sound is emitted, waves travel (move) through the ear towards the eardrum - a thin flap of skin that is stretched like a drum over a barrel, approximately the size of our pinky nail - and vibrates (moves) when sound waves makes contact. These vibrations move small bones in our middle and inner-ear, which the brain registers as "I hear something". There is nothing that we do that doesn't require movement. Our ability to move dictates our FITNESS.

Movement, the only UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE.

Traditional training isolates muscles groups, rarely teaching them to integrate or work together as part of a chain. As a language, movement can be adapted to any desired function. To train our bodies to move in isolation only serves to reinforce a habit that we should be working to avoid. The result of doing so will be muscles and joints disfunction, pain, and potential injury, which may require surgery. Most of the pain or injuries we experience are, in fact, due to poor movement patterns. The pain that we are experiencing is often a message that our body is sending, telling us: "There's something that you're doing to me that I don't like. Please stop and correct it." Beauty is a reflection of aesthetics, function & design.


2010 - Established the Jamaican Children's Fund for Technology (JCFT) in partnership with Canada's Rogers Communication, IBM Canada and Sandals Resorts Foundation, installing computer labs and IT infrastructure for high schools in Jamaica.


2014 - The Devon Colbert McGregor Scholarship was established, honouring the academic achievements of students at Victoria College (University of Toronto), in Math and Science.


2001 - Became an innovator of the "Boutique Gym Concept by cofounding Balance Personal Training, Fitness & Rehabilitation Inc., fulfilling a mission of seamlessly merging health care and fitness.


2013 - Became a certified student instructor in Foundation Training. "There's not a more effective movement modality that strengthens our posterior chain, improves upon our joint and muscular stabilization or moves us out of back pain.
